
How to wear red: 3 stylish pairings to try

Those red pieces shouldn’t be gathering dust



It’s easy to think that red is best worn sparingly or just as an accent. It is after all, such a bold, eye-catching color. We normally wear a pair of red heels to add a pop of color to an all-black ensemble, or a cute red top to go with neutral colored bottoms. We rarely buy something red for every day use, whether that’s a purse or a phone, because it just won’t go well with most of our outfits.

This is exactly why we sometimes feel like we have nothing to wear — when we build a wardrobe without considering new color pairings and when we reserve certain colors for special occasions. Here are three new combinations to try with those red pieces that don’t see the light of day (or night) as often as they should:

Red + blush pink: spring to summer

Hybrid smartwatch, Fossil Q Jacqueline; blazer, Stradivarius; slip dress, Fleur du Mal; belt bag, Mango; heels, Mint & Rose.

This color combination will give you an instant flirty, feminine look especially when you do it with a silk slip dress and strappy sandals. Give it a little bit more structure by throwing on a red blazer, and stick to the same tonal colors when accessorizing to look more put together. You can dress it up with taller heels, or down with flats.

Red + tan: end of summer to fall

Smartphone, Honor View 20 Moschino Edition; crop top and pants, Aritzia; bag, J. Crew; mules, Madewell; coin necklace, myartisanstore on Etsy; hair clips, Machete.

Be a wee bit more unpredictable by pairing red with the brown pieces in your closet. A red crop top worn with tan high waist pants and mules is a good departure from the light, breezy looks you’re used to wearing during summer. When temperatures dip, add a coat in similar brown tones to stay warm. I used to be so averse to wearing this color combination but it’s now one of my favorites!

Red + red: winter to early spring

Sunglasses, Spectacles 2 Veronica by Snapchat; sweater, Everlane; shorts, Aritzia; boots, Mango; 3-in-1 laptop tote, Parfois; earrings, Machete.

Tonal dressing is my go-to when I’m in a hurry to get ready in the morning and it doesn’t just apply to neutrals. Try wearing red on red with your thigh-high boots especially during winter when everyone else is sporting the same black coat. If you’re feeling feisty, go all-red even down to your shoes and purse and you’ll be surprised how powerful it will make you feel. Otherwise, you’re welcome to tone it down with the black staples you already have.

From these three looks alone, you can create more: turn the slip dress into a skirt by wearing the red sweater over it, or pair the crop top with the shorts and nude heels when the weather is scorching and unforgiving. The possibilities are endless! As long as you see red to be the versatile color that it actually is, you’ll never run out of looks to try, and that red phone you carry every day will never clash with your look again.


Logitech introduces a dedicated shortcut for ChatGPT

Compatible with most keyboards and mice



Artificial intelligence is already meant to simplify a workflow. However, despite the ease, there are still a few ways to optimize the process. Today, Logitech has launched a new shortcut to launch ChatGPT straight from your mouse or keyboard.

Minus programmable hotkeys or buttons, there are hardly any built-in way to easily access an AI model. For a typical workflow, it still consists of manually opening the model on a separate window and keeping it within cursor’s reach throughout the day.

Logitech is simplifying the process by adding a dedicated shortcut for its devices. With a Logitech keyboard or mouse supported by the Logi Options+ app, users can program a keyboard or mouse button for the new Logi AI Prompt Builder.

Once activated, the AI Prompt Builder automatically accesses easy options for highlighted text. For example, users can easily rephrase or summarize the text. Likewise, they can input their own custom queries. By eliminating a few clicks and some typing throughout the day, the new tool hopes to save you time.

While most Logitech keyboards and mice are compatible with the new tool, it is also more easily accessible with the new Logitech Signature AI Edition Mouse. The new mouse has a dedicated button just for AI prompts. If you’re an AI power user, this one is perfect for you.

SEE ALSO: Logitech unveils G Pro X 60 gaming keyboard: Price, details

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Marshall Major V: Reasons Why I Love It

After a month of using



I’ve got a new favorite pair of headphones. 

They look good, sound good, last long, are compact and portable. 

Most of all? They are from a brand that I truly love.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Here’s are V Major reasons why I love the new Marshall Major V!

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Logitech unveils G Pro X 60 gaming keyboard: Price, details

With Keycontrol technology



G Pro X 60

Logitech has unveiled its newest heavy-duty gaming keyboard: The Logitech G Pro X 60 Lightspeed gaming keyboard. The latest G Pro series addition is engineered in collaboration with top esports athletes, and promises exceptional performance and precision specifically for gaming.

The gaming keyboard is available in White, Black, and Magenta and retails for PhP 10,955. Customers may also choose between two GX Optical Switches configurations: tactile and linear. These upgraded switches boast faster and more precise actuation, as well as increased durability. The G Pro X 60 has a distinct design, with the keys quite elevated from the keyboard base.

As the model name suggests, the new offering is also the first Logitech product to boast of a 60% keyboard form factor. This portable keyboard allows users to have more space for dynamic mouse movements compared to full-sized keyboards.

The innovative Keycontrol feature, meanwhile, lets users assign up to 15 various shortcuts and combinations per key. Gamers will benefit from being able to tailor the keys specifically to their needs by customizing the keyboard keys with commonly used commands and audio and lighting effects.

The gaming keyboard also comes with Lightsync RGB. Users may choose from about 16.8 million colors and customize each key’s individual color. Connectivity-wise, users may use the keyboard via Bluetooth, USB, and 2:1 pairing with a PRO gaming mouse.

For more information about the Logitech G Pro X 60, visit the Logitech official website here.

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